Thursday 1 August 2013

The Beautiful People of Bamboo Travellers
Frankie - Superstar Surf Guide

Kiti and Ana - Front Desk Team

Sydney, Venena and Luke - Bamboo Tribe

Lo. To and Mere - Keeping Bamboo clean, comfy and cute!

Minami - Awesome Bamboo Guest 

Henry - The Island Manager receives a karate chop

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Kava ceremonies with the Bamboo Tribe

In Fiji, kava (also called "grog" or "yaqona") is part of the fabric of life, drunk day or night, at home or in the village hall. The consumption of the drink is a form of welcome and figures in important socio-political events. Both sexes drink kava, with women consuming the beverage more than men. The importance of kava in Fiji is not so much in the physical as it is psychological, serving as a forum where stories are told and jokes exchanged. Part of this communal aspect is its role in conflict resolution, functioning as a peace pipe between quarrelling groups.
Wikipedia 2013.